“CAPRICORN - I USE Dec. 22nd - Jan. 20th” #celebrastrology
Dec. 22nd - Jan. 20th”
“Do you need a good bookkeeper? Capricorns are disciplined, hard working and often mature before their time. Life can get too serious at times, just ask a Capricorn. Some general Capricorn characteristics would be someone who is ambitious, aspiring, calculating, careful, cold, respectful, considerate, determined, diligent, objective, dutiful, enduring, exacting, far-sighted, fatalistic, grouchy, industrious, harsh, humorous, loyal, patient, penny pinching, persevering, conservative, pessimistic, practical, reliable, brooding, reserved, rigid, ruthless, selfish, sensible, cautious, serious, strong and traditional.”
“Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn.”
“Capricorn rules the 10th house in the natural zodiac.”
“Capricorn ruled body parts include bones (skeletal structure), joints, knees and teeth.”
Date of Birth: December 22 - January 19
Strength: excellent, intelligent, practical, reliable, perseverant, generous, optimistic, cute, persistent
Weakness: stubborn, lonely, and suspicious
Symbol: Goat
Element: Earth
Sign Ruler: Saturn
Lucky Colors: Brown, Black, Dark Green
Lucky Number: 4
Jewelry: Black Jade
Best Match: Virgo, Taurus and Pisces
Celebrities: Mao Zedong, Stalin, Issac Newton, Martin Luther King, Nicholas Cage
Know all about
(December 22 – January 20)
Sanskrit Name : Makara | Meaning of Name : The Goat | Type : Earth-Cardinal-Negative | Lord : Saturn
Lucky Color :Brown, Steel, Grey, Black | Lucky Day : Saturday | Lucky Number : 1, 4, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22, 26
Capricorn, the upward climbing, always forward moving Mountain Goat, represents the 10th Sign of the Zodiac. Committed to responsibilities, Capricorn is a Sign representing the work side of life. Often calm, to the degree of appearing slightly cold, meticulous and dogged in their persistence for quality and productivity, Capricorn individuals are often a notch above their counterparts. Prodigious and confident, Goats are hard working, sincere, soft hearted yet sticklers for quality. Most of them are blessed with a deep wisdom, understanding and stability of thought and action from an early age. However, this does not make them boring or staid – even though a bit slow to truly flower. In fact, born with the wisdom of mature adults, the Goats, as they grow older tend to hark back to childhood in all its glory. Blame it on their ruler, the slow moving, discipline-loving, blossoming when the struggle is the hardest – Saturn! So, you may find a young Cappy somewhat dull, even lazy and tedious, thinner, shorter or weaker than his/ her peers (or fatter, for that matter) – in short, a misfit – working most nights, unwilling to go out, guarded and closed. However, as this Capricorn gets to the other side of 30, you may see him/ her changing his/ her streaks altogether. This is when you will see the sparkly, lively side of the Capricorn-borns. Patience, achievement, practicality and security net are their buzzwords. They may even act selfishly, if they don’t get what they want. However, love for them is special. It is a lot about stability and commitment, so from an early age, marriage is on the Goats’ minds. Loyal and caring towards their loved ones, the Capricorn individuals, though, will even pass up love for duty and virtue.
Capricorn Traits
(22nd December to 20th January)
Aries (21 Mar – 20 Apr) Taurus (21 Apr – 21 May) Gemini (22 May – 21 Jun) Cancer (22 Jun – 22 Jul) Leo (23Jul – 22 Aug) Virgo (23 Aug – 22 Sep) Libra (23 Sep – 23 Oct) Scorpio (24 Oct – 22 Nov) Sagittarius (23 Nov – 21 Dec) Capricorn (22 Dec – 20 Jan) Aquarius (21 Jan – 18 Feb) Pisces (19 Feb – 20 Mar)
Capricorn Traits
This Sign Capricorn signifies stability, balance and wisdom. People born under this Sign are also known as the Goats. They are sensitive, sensible and secure in their own space. They do not take impulsive decisions but will act aggressively to get what they want. But they have some negative points too. Here we look at some of their usual positive and negative qualities. For a thorough understanding of your nature and future prospects, get the Birth Chart based personalised reportJanampatri.
Positive Traits
Known for their practical approach, the Capricorn natives apply their intelligence and logic and take into account all the facts before making any decisions. You will surely benefit if you get the Natal Chart based customised report Your Horoscope Analysis.
The Capricorn-born people are self-confident, have big goals and put in their best efforts to achieve them. They are ambitious because they want a secure future for themselves and their families.
These people are mature, sensible and don’t get carried away by fantasies. Their friends have faith in their judgement and frequently seek their advice.
The Goats are disciplined and have a lot of respect for those who are focussed on their goals. You will never find them dealing with important matters casually. To find out how to negotiate the twists and turns in your professional life, try the Natal Chart based customised serviceCareer Ask A Question.
Once they set their hearts on some goal, they immediately set out to achieve it. They have lots of patience and understand that things take time to materialise.
They are not impulsive, and will never take a risk or do anything that has the potential to upset their lives. They are very cautious about stability.
Negative Traits
The Goats are prone to becoming pessimistic because they find it difficult to go against the odds. No matter how much they achieve, they always think of themselves as under-achievers. If there is something which is making you feel depressed about your romantic life, you will greatly benefit from the Birth Chart based personalised serviceRemedial Solutions for Love.
Those who are born under the Zodiac Sign Capricorn have a strong feeling that their decisions and methods are perfect, and will rarely change their views.
They are good at communications but are fundamentally shy people and normally take their own sweet time to open up to the best of friends.
They are very conscious of how events will affect them, and this preoccupation with themselves make people think they are selfish. If you wish to overcome the negativities in your life, you will derive great benefits from Birth Chart based personalised service Remedial Solutions for Personal Issues.
The Capricorn can be very detached people who will not get close to others beyond a certain point. Emotional involvement doesn’t come easily to them.
The Goats can be witty and funny at one moment and grumpy at the very next. These mood swings can make them behave irresponsibly which can ruin things. You might also be interested in reading aboutCapricorn Nature.
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Personality Profile
At a Glance
Astrological Perspective
The Capricorn natives are hard taskmasters. But, there is more to this largely misunderstood Zodiac…
The Practical Side
Capricorn Strength Keywords:
Capricorn Weakness Keywords:
Capricorn and Independence:
Capricorns are very independent because they know their capabilities and therefore they rarely trust others to finish details, they like to do it all themselves. Capricorn is the longer of all zodiac signs.
Capricorn and Friendship:
The Capricorn is the strong friend, they will always be there to help, they are very sympathetic, caring and helpful to a friend in need. A Capricorn will get someone back on their feet again with a steady plan for success and for all this, they expect nothing in return. The Capricorn friend is deep and mysterious and full of intrigue, there always seems to be something going on in their mind.
Capricorn and Business:
The Capricorn personality is geared towards that of leadership and achievement, they always want to climb the corporate ladder and be the best they can be. Capricorns have excellent sense of time and manage it very well, they are excellent organizers. Capricorns are very creative, not spontaneously creative but it is incorporated into their time management skills and their ideas for executing a plan. Capricorns make good, wise investments because they look at the long term and what will be the most beneficial down the road.
Capricorn and Temperament:
Capricorns might seem melancholy and stern because they live by self-discipline and responsibility. They evaluate everything and they don't take daring chances without weighing the advantages and disadvantages first. To the onlooker, they might seem boring but it is the serious drive and structured way of life that the Capricorn feels safe with. Capricorn's self-sufficiency is often mistook for coldness, they are not as cold as they seem, this might be apparent just because Capricorns like to do everything themselves this way there is no worry about something not finished or not done properly. It is all about control of their surroundings and their daily lives and sometimes this spills into other people's lives. They believe they can give structure and organize other people's lives too, which they can but others might see this as intrusive and not welcome the Capricorn's suggested changes. According to Capricorn, there is only a right way and a wrong way to do things and this idea makes some Capricorns closed minded, stubborn and reluctant to agree with others. This is an ongoing lesson for Capricorns, knowing that there is more then one way of doing things and even though their way is usually right, it does not mean that they have to impose their ways on others.
Capricorn Deep Inside:
Capricorns have this sense of melancholy and necessity for structure and work because inside they feel they are unworthy and need to continuously prove their worth. Once they realize that all they need is self-love, door will open and they will see the world in a new light, one that allows for pleasure and guilt-free fun. Capricorns most important need is security, financial and material security. This is the driving force behind their ambitious character and all other personality traits of desire to succeed. They are very concerned with their public standing and their prestige. Capricorns are loners but they also need to feel appreciated, but they are excellent at hiding this truth. Capricorns are very self contained and they have many faces they present to the world, they are known as aloof and indifferent but this is them concealing themselves from the world, unfortunately, they may never know who they really are. This causes feelings of insecurity and causes them to question their own self worth. Capricorns make it difficult to get close emotionally because once they let someone in, they do not want to let them go and emotional connection makes them feel vulnerable yet satisfied at he same time. This is an ongoing internal conflict of contradictions inside the Capricorn's mind.
Capricorn in a Nutshell:
Capricorns are very ambitious people, they always have something they are pursuing and they want their lives to be fulfilled and important. Capricorns are extremely patient and will wait a long time for something they want, when the opportunity arises, they will plan their steps carefully to others, they might appear hesitant but this is not true, they know that there is only one chance to succeed and they are filing together their information to take the proper steps to accomplish their goal with flying colors, not just second rate. Capricorns have a very active mind and strong powers of concentration. Capricorns like being in control of their surroundings and everyone in their life. Capricorns are very cautious but this only to survey the situation before leaping in, they will never make a hasty jump in. They accept change but introduce it slowly so they can get used to it and incorporate it into their life. Capricorns tend to see life in black or white, definitive's only. There are no gray areas for these are areas that are not understood and this makes Capricorn feel uncomfortable. They tend to be in control in a romantic relationship that way they are never vulnerable to another person.
What it's Like to Date a Capricorn Woman:
Deep inside, she is romantic and loving but it takes the right man to expose this. On the outside, she may seem like she does not care much for love. The Capricorn woman is perfect for the man who likes a challenge. It will take time to get closer to her, never make her rush into a relationship. Be patient because she is. Capricorn woman is very classy, upscale woman. You have to woo her and court her like a lady. Shower her with nice gifts (but not too expensive, she is a very conservative spender and expects you to be also). She will dominate and control the relationship but in her intriguing subtle way, let her take the lead, she won't steer you wrong! She will lead the relationship in the right direction because she is smart and practical. She will offer you a long lasting, real, loyal relationship with all the right ingredients for happiness.
What it's Like to Date a Capricorn Man:
The Capricorn man is very physical and passionate, but not emotional (on the outside). Deep inside he yearns for love but this takes a long time to become reality, he is very reluctant to place trust in another person. Show him how much you admire him and earn trust gradually over time. He is very faithful, probably the most faithful of all zodiac signs. Underneath his secretive mysterious nature is a romantic streak with a strong sensual side, this side is completely hidden and once unlocked, you'll be amazed at the transformation this man has undergone! Patience and trust is key with a Capricorn man, he has so much to offer the right woman who will wait for him.
How to Attract Capricorn:
make them laugh, they tend to be melancholy so anyone who can make them laugh is appreciated. Talk about anything but do not pry into their emotions. They do mind listening to yours however. When Capricorn feels safe, they will let some of their cat out of the bag. Talk about serious topics, things that matter and avoid unconventionality, they are very conventional people and do not like shock-topics. They like to be connected to on an intellectual level. They like gifts, not gaudy and expensive but practical and useful. Keep it high class, they do not like second-rate gifts, or dates for that matter. Plan an upscale date to a art gallery, theater or fancy restaurant. Never be late. Capricorns are very punctual and live by a schedule and they do not like to be kept waiting, it shows irresponsibility. Be patient with Capricorn, underneath that aloof, indifferent outside lies a physical, passionate loyal person that will come out when the time is right, once you have proven yourself.
Capricorn Erogenous Zone:
The legs and especially the knees are very sensitive. Lightly tickle the backs of Capricorn's knees and this will get them giggling with excitement and initiate foreplay.
Sex With Capricorn:
Capricorns have stamina, lots of it. They like nice, classy surroundings and a comfortable atmosphere. In the bedroom, they will last all night and want some more. They are very physical and good at what they can do. Do not expect any creative or zany positions, but expect it to be good.
Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Color: Brown, Grey, Black
Day: Saturday
Ruler: Saturn
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Taurus, Virgo
Best for Marriage and Partnerships: Cancer
Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22, 26
Date range: December 22 - January 19
Capricorn traits
Strengths: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers
Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst
Capricorn likes: Family, tradition, music, understated status, quality craftsmanship
Capricorn dislikes: Almost everything at some point
When it comes to professionalism and traditional values, Capricorn is the first. Capricorn is practical and is considered to be the most serious sign of the zodiac, who possess an independence that enables significant progress both on the personal level and in business.
As an Earth sign, for a Capricorn there is nothing more important in life than family. Capricorn is a master of self-control and has the potential to be a great leader or manager as long as it is in the sphere of business.
Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn, and this planet represents restrictions of all kinds. The influence of Saturn makes Capricorn-born practical and responsible, so they know how to save money for the future.They are masters when they need to prove that they are right. People born under the Capricorn sign sometimes can be really stubborn. They strive to get to the top only with their experience.
Problems may occur when the Capricorn is forced to be very close with his associates. Capricorn-born have a hard time accepting others' differences, and in these situations, there is a need to control people or to impose their traditionalist values. They think that they are the only ones who know how to solve a problem, but they must learn how to forgive others, to allow them to be who they are and to stop condemning them.
This Week
This Month
Capricorn Horoscope: Today
Sunday 05/29/2016
80% of volcanic eruptions happen underwater. This is something you should think about today, with the Moon in Pisces reminding you of an endless ocean of emotion you carry within. Even if you try to escape it, you won’t get very far, so you might as well fish around for a day.
Use your hands to create something artistic. You need some reminding on where your true talents lie, or you might get lost in the boredom of your everyday life and responsibilities.
Capricorn Love and Sex
When it comes to love and relationship - it’s difficult to win over a Capricorn. But, if you succeed in getting hold of one, Capricorn will stay committed all their life. Capricorn is a serious lover, who likes to do things slowly and thoroughly. People born under the sign of Capricorn express their feelings, through actions more than through words. They are generous and will not hesitate to spend money on a fantastic night out. They are honest, loyal and caring.
Capricorn Friends and Family
Capricorn is very intelligent and humorous, so he can be a great friend. They want their friends to be honest and loyal people. There are no limits when it comes to friends and family. Capricorn respects family traditions and loves spending holidays with friends and family. Capricorn doesn't have a large circle of friends, which means that his friends must be honest and consistent. Outbursts of emotion are a common thing for Capricorn, who expresses his feelings through actions.
Capricorn Career and Money
Capricorn-born will set high standards for themselves, but their honesty, dedication and perseverance make them excellent managers. Loyalty and willingness to work hard are the qualities that Capricorn highly appreciates, both in himself and in people from his environment. Capricorn is gifted with a lively mind and awesome concentration levels. Jobs in management, finance, education and real estate are an excellent choice for this zodiac sign.
Capricorn-born are very resourceful and they know how to manage their time and money. They are hard workers and committed to the core. Capricorn knows that only hard work will bring success in the long run.
How to Attract the Capricorn Man
Capricorn men are determined and ambitious people, who want to get to the top to get the rewards. One of the best Capricorn traits is the fact that he is an extremely down-to-earth person. The man born under the Capricorn astrology sign prefers reality above outrageous dreams. If you want to seduce the Capricorn man you must respect his ambition and need for control.
One of the positive Capricorn characteristics is certainly his patience and attention to detail, which help him in the process of reaching his goals.
His nature is wrapped up around accomplishment and responsibility and he often doesn't prioritize relationships. Let the Capricorn man take charge in any situation and let him make the rules and you will have greater chances to seduce him. He is a traditionalist, so he'll want a partner who is stable and practical. He can be rather reserved with new acquaintances and has a fear of public embarrassment.
The Capricorn man doesn't enter lightly into romantic relationships. He will need to know that you are serious about your sexual and emotional relationships. He can be a little cold and distant in the beginning, but once he gets comfortable, all of this will change. He wants a partner who is similarly goal-oriented and a partner who can support him in the pursuit of his own ambitions.
How to Attract the Capricorn Woman
The Capricorn personality is one of the most interesting of the zodiac. Capricorn women are self-confident, ambitious, persistent, responsible and reliable.
If you want to seduce the woman born under the Capricorn zodiac sign, you need to have a good sense of humor and be willing to wait for her to decide to open up to you. She will be guarded in the beginning and she doesn't like investing time into someone who she is unsure about. If you want to seduce her, you will need to impress her with an appreciation of the finer things in life. However, make sure you don't spend too much money, as this might turn her off.
The woman born under the Capricorn star sign is usually the dominant one in the relationship. She is not likely to have sex on the first date, so if you push the issue, she will probably push you out of her life immediately.
The Capricorn woman needs to feel comfortable with her partner, so give her enough time to decide if she is ready to initiate sexual intercourse.
She likes intelligent men, so make sure you have something interesting to say every time you're together. If you can make her laugh and stick around long enough for her to feel comfortable, she will be much more open to being seduced.
Capricorn Compatibility
(December 22 - January 19)
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Capricorn Horoscopes
By The AstroTwins
Mar 1, 2016
See All Signs
CAPRICORN + ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
Aries is the Alpha in most relationships, but here the Ram meets his match. In the Goat, Aries finds a more seasoned pack leader, and backs into a rare state of obedience. This weighty respect comes from Capricorn's ruler, wise old Saturn, the planet of maturity, authority and command. Capricorn is the zodiac's father sign; Aries is its firstborn child. It's the difference between a king and a knight, a queen and a duchess. Both are noble, but one is clearly the elder. This can be a dealbreaker for Aries in some cases, as too much paternalism makes this independent sign run for freedom. However, it usually works. Although Aries can be a hellish brat, Capricorn is unruffled and even amused by the tantrums, giving Aries space to act out. If you accept your cosmic roles, you can make excellent partners in both love and business. Aries is ruled by warrior Mars, and Capricorn is a four-star general by nature. You both see life as a battlefield to conquer, and with Aries' grit and Cap's determination, there's no goal you can't achieve. Earthy Capricorn excels at structure and planning, and is the terra firm beneath the Ram's restless hooves. Fiery Aries is a daring playmate who amuses, excites and entertains the sober Goat, especially in the bedroom (where Capricorn has a lesser-known lusty side). Aries is a flirt, and this can spark jealousy in traditional Capricorn. Over time, trust and mutual respect abolish the Goat's fears, and you make supportive lifelong partners.
CAPRICORN + TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) ♥♥♥♥
You're fellow Earth signs who really vibe well together. By day, you're both hard-driving workaholics. Taurus is the plodding Bull, Capricorn the sure-footed Mountain Goat. Any business venture you launch together will thrive, and you share a deep respect for tradition, family and long-term security. You're both shrewd financial planners, though your love of earthly pleasures can break the bank, too. Once you punch out and uncork the Sancerre, you morph into a pair of hedonists. Sleeping and lounging are favorite pastimes, and on weekends, a forklift couldn't pry you off the sofa. However, Capricorn is far more self-disciplined than the indulgent Bull. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty and pleasure; Capricorn by strict Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster. Where Taurus is a megalomaniac forever humming his own praise song, poor Cappy flogs himself for even the slightest misstep. Saturn's repression also gives Cap an eccentric side; he can fall into melancholy or fatalistic spells that confound Taurus. The Goat is always planning for rainy days—and as karma goes, plan for a downpour, and you'll surely get one. Taurus refuses to pack an umbrella, for he can't fathom worrying about something that hasn't even happened yet, nor shown up on the radar. You both have something to teach each other. The Bull is gifted at savoring the present, while nostalgic Capricorn obsesses over the past and the future. Strive to get your timing right.
CAPRICORN + GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
A metaphor for this match: a music producer combines a soulful 1970s classic (Capricorn) with funky electronic hooks (Gemini) and delivers a mashup that's either a mess or a chart-topping hit. You couldn't be any more different if you tried, yet you can really benefit from each other's natural resources. Gemini is ruled by speedy Mercury, the lightning-fast trickster who speaks in silver-tongued half truths. Capricorn's overlord is Saturn, the cautious, conservative planetary patriarch, who only trusts that which stands the test of time. Gemini is versatile and restless, like a fusebox with a million criss-crossed wires. Capricorn is the dutiful ox who carries the yoke and plows the field, rarely diverging from routine. While Capricorn's dogged consistency and family loyalty can frustrate Gemini ("How can you let these people walk all over you?" Gemini asks, referring to Cap's elderly parents), it also grounds the scattered Twins.Gemini is Capricorn's one-man circus, keeping the Goat amused and entertained, adding color to his monochromatic world. You both have a lusty, experimental side, too. The magic really appears when you get physical, which happens fast, since your sexual attraction is intense. In fact, Capricorn is one of the few signs that can spike Gemini's jealousy. There are so many people who rely on sturdy, supportive Cap, and Gemini doesn't like to compete for the spotlight. To make this work, Gemini will have to accept that Capricorn's loyalty extends to family and lifelong friends. Stoic Cap will need to show a little more emotion, since impish Gemini needs to know he can get under Capricorn's skin. It will take time to work out the kinks, but the erotic tet-a-tets will be worth the trouble.
CAPRICORN + CANCER (June 21 - July 22) ♥♥♥♥
Paging June and Ward Cleaver! Cancer is astrology's mother and Capricorn is its patriarch. You're opposite signs that might very well polarize into these retro roles. On the zodiac wheel, Cancer rules the fourth house of home, family and femininity. Capricorn governs its tenth house of fatherhood, authority, masculinity and ambition. In many ways, it's nice to have a mate who happily redresses your shortcomings. Yet, it can also be off-putting. Cancer longs for touch and affection, misty-eyed Hallmark moments and emotionally naked conversations. Stoic Capricorn can be stiff and formal, a closet neurotic who pooh-poohs Cancer's feelings as overblown melodramas. In truth, Capricorn just internalizes his feelings, then falls into depressions or flogs himself mercilessly. You must learn the other's "love language" to succeed as a couple.Cancer shows caring through sentimental gestures, food, togetherness and well-intended nagging. Capricorn's expression is through duty—bringing home a steady paycheck, showing up on time, holding it together when everyone else falls apart. Capricorn must learn to honor Cancer's feelings and intuition; the Crab must develop gratitude for Capricorn's loyalty and quiet wisdom. Parenting is where you really shine as a team. Raising children is the ultimate honor for your signs, as well as a creative challenge. You're both loyal to your families, no matter how much they drive you crazy. This is a quality you respect in each other. At the end of the day, you share enough common values to make a solid, lifelong match.
CAPRICORN + LEO (July 23 - August 22)
You're insatiably attracted, but you often end up hurting each other through a series of misunderstandings and ego battles. Leo is ruled by the confident Sun, Capricorn by self-doubting Saturn. That's just the start of your differences. Leo is a starry-eyed Fire sign who believes that anything can be achieved by sheer willpower and the refusal to take "no" for an answer. Capricorn is a traditional Earth sign, equally ambitious, but rarely willing to color outside the lines. He approaches life like a steady Mountain Goat, taking tentative steps toward his ten-year goals. Your different pacing could drive you both mad. Although loyal Capricorn is usually the stalwart partner in relationships, Leo is far more devoted in this match. Lusty Capricorn is mostly interested in sex. While you'll have plenty of hot romps, Leo can mistake Capricorn's physical attraction for love. Oops! The Lion must perform due diligence, and assume nothing. Unlike Leo, Capricorn's love is hard-won, not something he hands out like candy to Trick-or-Treaters. Then, there's the cheerleading that grates on the Goat. Leo urges Cap to believe in himself, which the Goat laughs off as fluff ripped straight from a cheesy self-help tome. Yet, lo!—Leo follows Covey's seven steps and becomes a highly successful person. Instead of congratulating Leo, war is declared: Capricorn scoffs at Leo's dreams, and Leo sets out to prove Capricorn wrong ("I'll show you!"). Before long, you stay together just to spite each other. What's the point?
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CAPRICORN + VIRGO (August 23 - September 22) ♥♥♥♥
You're pragmatic Earth signs who strike a perfect balance between sensible and sensual. You bring out the best in one another. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the communication planet. A natural psychologist and articulate speaker, this sign likes to talk everything out. Stoic Capricorn is ruled by stern, repressed Saturn, and struggles to voice his feelings. Capricorn benefits from Virgo's ability to draw him out of dark thoughts. When Virgo's anxieties take hold, practical Capricorn brings a helpful dose of perspective. Dutiful souls, you take care of parents, friends and family members, and your cozy home is everyone's favorite crash pad. Holidays and parties are warm, congenial affairs, and nobody wants to leave. Marriage is a sure success, and you laugh often, excellent medicine for your serious signs. The lovely thing about this combination is how natural you can be—a refreshing break from your formal public demeanors. A favorite example: One Virgo friend, a singer-songwriter, was stricken with a creative block. Her Capricorn husband poked his head into her studio, and found her obsessing. She launched into complaining, and he deftly interrupted: "Wanna f---?" A satisfied hour later, she finished the song. Offensive to prim Virgo from any other sign, but Capricorn can go there. You relax into your carnal natures around each other, loosening up in ways that few other signs can elicit.
CAPRICORN + LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
Capricorn is the provider sign, forever seeking a mate in need of financial backing. Libra is a vain dilettante who's happy to play muse to an Earthy benefactor. You have your oft-irreconcilable differences, yet you stay together all the same. In many ways, you have what the other needs. Libra is a master of social graces with a billion air-kissed "friends." Capricorn can be an antisocial grumble-puss who cleaves to childhood cronies and family. Libra spends on impulsive pleasures; Capricorn plans for tomorrow. Battles can be brutal. You're both convinced of your natural superiority; your haughty contretemps and ego showdowns merit a Bravo series. Of course, antisocial Capricorn would never allow cameras into the estate, while Libra would whip together a stylist, understudy and five-star craft services. Therein lies the difference: your values. Not an easy hurdle to scale, even for a determined Goat or a patient Judge. A successful relationship will require much compromise. The fawning affection romantic Libra craves will be in short order. Capricorn shows love through acts of service and loyalty, not pandering. Libra must learn to accept love in a less-adorned package, and trade a few parties for cozy nights in. Capricorn must exit the cave to meet new people, play host and smile once a season. You can do it—but will you be happy? That's the question.
CAPRICORN + SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21) ♥♥♥♥
If you were to sign a pre-nup, Schedule A must clearly designate who will play the "Top" and who will be the "Bottom." After your attorneys haggle over the prone position, you may just call off the engagement. An inability to reach settlement is likely for two uncompromising Alphas such as yourselves. Although your business-savvy signs can make quite the contemporary Napoleon and Josephine, LLC, there are terms that must be negotiated in advance. For one, you'll need to swear off secrecy—and that will be the true test of your relationship. Scorpio and Capricorn are masters of underhanded power plays that could topple this merger fast. Your first job: learn and practice direct communication ("whip me like THIS" or "no, darling, the leather corset, not the PVC"). Master it, and the rest is a cakewalk. You can lash each other to bedposts, tryst on the conference table in your glass-paned office tower, or earn your mile-high wings with nary a flight attendant knowing. The 2.5 kids you produce will have some interesting conception stories, that's for sure. Not that you'll ever tell. A little secrecy with the rest of the world is fine. Just make sure to erase those sex tapes before the housekeeper finds them.
CAPRICORN + SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
The fate of this match rests in your ability to merge your strengths. Sagittarius is the visionary and the starry-eyed optimist; Capricorn is the master architect and builder, the ultimate realist. You each excel where the other is weak, and you make excellent business partners. However, your values and lifestyles can be vastly different, complicating romance. It's like the class clown dating the class president—an odd couple indeed. To Sagittarius, it's fascinating that anyone could possess such restraint. Stoic Capricorn cracks hard-won smiles at Sagittarius' antics and amusing insights. Yet, Sag optimism soon clashes with Cap pessimism, and here's where you reach your impasse. Restless Sagittarius needs a playmate to dream and scheme, but cautious Cappy shoots holes in the Archer's impetuous ideas, pointing out the foundational flaws. Yet, it's that grim, unvarnished realism that saves the day in a crisis. While Sagittarius freaks out and lapses into denial, Earthy Capricorn holds a powerful, Zenlike acceptance of "what is." Love truly blooms when you make it through a dire breakdown and realize your incredible teamwork turned the ship around. For the long haul, independent Sag must allow Capricorn to be the rock, and the Goat must learn to take a few more bold personal risks.
CAPRICORN + CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Two ambitious Capricorns are on a lifelong mission to get ahead. If you can reach the brass ring faster by teaming up, then why not? You certainly admire each other's unflagging determination and crafty tactics—and you apply your business savvy to courtship, much like a game of chess. Name-dropping is akin to sexual banter for your sign, and "getting into the VIP section" sounds like a kinky metaphor. In a way, it is. You're titillated by power and yearn to be part of the elite. Sure, it may sound cold and calculating, but by nature you're a goal-oriented sign who lives by a long-term plan. Thus, your mate must fit neatly into the picture. You're a pair of workaholics with a closet kinky streak, and if you can leave the office before midnight, you'll enjoy a lusty connection behind closed doors. At the same time, you cleave strongly to time-honored tradition and remain loyal to your childhood friends for life. Parental approval and proper stock is a must. No matter how much you love someone, if he/she doesn't fit into the family dynasty, it's a deal breaker.
CAPRICORN + AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
This is the match of the traditionalist and the rebel, the rule-maker and the rule-breaker. Capricorn is the guardian of history, and Aquarius is an innovator who has little regard for the past. If you can meet somewhere in the present, it's sure to be interesting. Disciplined Capricorn can teach Aquarius the value of structure, and Aquarius can help Cap think outside the box. You're both competitive and controlling in your own ways, and few signs can rival your work shared work ethic. The wheeler-dealer light never switches off in either of you—you'll hand out business cards at a funeral. Still, you might be better off as professional partners, since your bedside manner is so different. Lusty Capricorn may be aloof in public, but this sensual Earth sign is a bona fide freak in the sheets. Although Aquarius may love to shock people in public, behind closed doors your interest in sex can be tepid at best. (As the ruler of electricity, gadgets may be preferable.) Socially, Capricorn can be cold or snobbish, choosing friends based on status. Popular Aquarius befriends everyone—don't be surprised if the Chinese food delivery guy ends up at the dinner table sharing your Hunan chicken. Still, Capricorn can be an important grounding force for Air-sign Aquarius, preventing you from floating off into the ether. Life is never dull with an unpredictable Aquarian.
CAPRICORN + PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
On the surface, you might seem like an odd match—imagine a Harvard MBA in Armani dating a paint-splattered artist in Oshkosh. Yet, your signs pair well, even if you don't want to admit it. With classic good looks and a dutiful nature, Capricorn fits neatly into the system. Pisces is a flowy Fish who excels at playing the the artsy rebel, the indie darling, the adorable mess. By comparison, Capricorn seems structured and regimented—but appearances deceive. While Pisces may delight in coloring outside the neat lines Capricorn draws, the real surprise is that Capricorn is the bigger freak behind closed doors. Capricorn has a dominant, even cruel streak that can play out in the bedroom (not that submissive Pisces doth protest). Leather, whips and kinky fun—it's all fair game. You both love to find lesser-known wine, music, and art, a pride yourself on having cultivated tastes. Together, you can traverse the tony uptown spaces to the lowbrow dives, discovering cultural jewels wherever you go. Your diverse strengths could make you great business partners, too. Open a gallery, with Pisces as curator and Capricorn as financial backer.
Additional Information
Capricorn man - information and insights on the Capricorn man.
Capricorn woman - information and insights on the Capricorn woman.
Capricorn compatibility - the compatibility of Capricorn with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.
Capricorn history - the history of Capricorn and the stories behind it.
Capricorn symbol - images and interpretations of the Capricorn symbol and ruler.
Like its fellow earth signs, Capricorn is a sign that tends to take a practical approach toward life. Capricorn natives are diligent, prudent, dedicated, and responsible. They never shy away from a challenge, and they are very success oriented. Laziness and apathy are words that are quite simply not part of the Capricorn vocabulary. They value money for its ability to provide them with a sense of security, as well as many of the finer things in life, which Capricorns are definitely able to appreciate. They are often introverted and serious, but possess a wonderful sense of humor, even if it does tend to be a little on the sarcastic side.
Capricorn natives are also people that require a lot of recognition, as well as a sense that they are useful and necessary, in order to feel truly satisfied with their lives. The recognition they crave is generally more of the worldly, material variety and they are suckers for status-related items like fancy cars, designer suits, or fine watches. When it comes to love match astrology, Capricorns are best paired with fellow earth signs, or alternatively, with water signs.
Best Matches
Taurus: Both earthy, passionate signs, Capricorn and Taurus have a natural understanding of one another’s approaches toward life. Both are also signs that place a high value on money and security, so they will find that they have many goals and dreams in common as well. Taurus will appreciate Capricorn’s diligence when it comes to building security for them both, while Capricorn will be glad for Taurus’s dedication toward the upkeep of the home. This union is one that makes for an excellent marriage.
Pisces: This is an example of an astrology signs love match where the differences between the individuals are beneficial to the union. Capricorn provides a stabilizing influence for Pisces, as well as offers a much-needed sense of security. Pisces helps serious Capricorn lighten up a little and have more fun with life. Each personality has strengths that make up for the other’s weaknesses, making their union one with a very bright future indeed.
Virgo: Virgo and Capricorn are like two peas in a pod when it comes to their approaches to life. Both know the value of a well kept home and strive to make theirs a place that positively oozes success and order. They work hard for what they have, and they love sharing it with a few select friends, as opposed to a large group of many superficial acquaintances. This is not the most romantic or passionate union, as both partners are more practical and clever instead, but it is one that stands an excellent chance of long-term success.
Worst Matches
Aries: Aries and Capricorn are about as different in all the most troublesome ways as two signs can be. Aries’s tendency to take risks and go out on a limb will unnerve conservative, reserved Capricorn. Capricorn’s focus on security and planning ahead will not sit well with the typically extravagant and spendthrift Aries. Each sign also wants to be the only one in control, each feeling they are the one who knows best. They will often butt heads, making their relationship the grounds for a constant power struggle.
Sagittarius: A sex life that will potentially be very frustrating, especially for passionate Sagittarius, is only one of the issues present in this pairing. Sensible, down-to-earth Capricorn will see Sagittarius as flighty and immature. Fun-loving Sagittarius will think serious Capricorn is a stodgy stick-in-the-mud. Neither really possesses the ability to appreciate the attributes of the other, making this union unlikely to stand the test of time.
Leo: Leo will ultimately turn out to be too extravagant and rambunctious to suit conservative, strait-laced Capricorn. Capricorn will be too cold and practical for praise-loving, affectionate Leo. These two individuals are like night and day, and they will have a lot of trouble finding compromise when it comes to many aspects of the relationship, including money, sex, and social life. Most Leo-Capricorn unions tend to be relatively short-lived.
Wild Cards
Capricorn: On one hand, two Capricorns together will make for a practical, success-oriented relationship where there will be more than enough prestige, wealth, and security to suit them both and them some. On the other hand, the relationship can lack passion, fire, and excitement if the occasional effort to incorporate variety and new experience is not made. There is also a danger that both partners will become overly focused on their careers and forget to make the marriage a priority, which can cause problems down the line.
Cancer: Although Capricorn’s success-oriented approach to life can go a long way toward providing Cancer with the security and comfort it craves, it is also possible that goat’s natural aloofness will not allow Capricorn to properly satisfy the sensitive crab’s emotional needs. However, if the Cancer in question is a more positive specimen of its kind, Capricorn’s devotion may prove to be a more than suitable substitute. These two also share a strong sexual attraction and place a value on money that can add further elements of harmony to the match.
To discuss Capricorn compatibility we need to look at Capricorn in combination with each of the other sun signs. Each match has different strong and weak areas and it's own quirks and unique features.
Capricorn compatibility table
This shows the typical scores for relationships between Capricorn and each of the other sun signs. Click on any combo to explore that match in more detail.
Capricorn and Aries
Capricorn and Taurus
Capricorn and Gemini
Capricorn and Cancer
Capricorn and Leo
Capricorn and Virgo
Capricorn and Libra
Capricorn and Scorpio
Capricorn and Sagittarius
Capricorn and Capricorn
Capricorn and Aquarius
Capricorn and Pisces
Summary of Capricorn compatibility
The most compatible signs with Capricorn are generally considered to be Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. The least compatible signs with Capricorn are generally considered to be Aries and Libra.
Comparing sun signs can give a good general idea of compatibility. However, this is just a quick and easy way to compare, and it's going to have lots of exceptions on this broad level.
That's because people are more than just their sun sign. There are other planets which also affect someone's personality. This creates billions of permutations making each Capricorn slightly different. Generalizing too far based just on sun signs can therefore be misleading.
To fully understand someone or how compatible you are with them we need to calculate those other planet positions from their date of birth and then compare them to your own. This unlocks the real power of astrology and gives much more useful and specific information, such as how they view you, how to turn them on, how to avoid arguments with them etc. If you would like to explore this further please see the astrology compatibility readings page.
Capricorn compatibility forums
Here you can share experiences and opinions on dating, marriage and affairs, whether you're a Capricorn or have experience with one.
You'll find that some of these forums are generally positive in tone, and some are generally negative. That doesn't guarantee that will be your experience, however you are very likely to recognize some common patterns which can be fascinating.
Some relationship combinations are much more common than others. Some sun signs are also much more chatty than others. Some are more likely to compliment (or complain!) about a partner. Each forum therefore tends to have a fairly consistent trend to the comments.
Please keep in mind though that people are much more than just their sun sign. Beyond a point Capricorn compatibility varies due to the individuals other planet positions when they were born. You need a real astrology reading to understand a real relationship.
Relationships with Capricorn men:
Relationships with Capricorn women:
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Capricorns are very practical. Therefore, as your relationship progresses he will want to help you in practical ways and take care of you to a certain extent. As they are not very expressive there are
ReplyDeleteSigns a Capricorn man likes you loves you and wants you without expressing his feelings.
Every star sign does have their positive and negative aspects. It is important to learn about the dark side along with the bright and positive sides, thus enabling us to understand and deal with them better. Capricorn Negative Traits capricorn negative traits Many people consider Capricorns to be insensitive and indifferent towards the needs of others.